Setup a Headless Raspberry Pi - For Beginners

Hello everyone! I’ve created a walk-thru video on the basics of setting up a brand new headless Raspberry Pi.

More specifically I show you how to…

  • Image an microSD card using both Raspberry Pi Imager & BalenaEtcher. Pick your preferred method…
  • Create an SSH file to enable SSH access on initial boot up.
  • How to create a wpa_supplicant.conf file to enable wireless connectivity on boot up.
  • How to find your new Raspberry Pi on your network using NMAP
  • How to connect to your Raspberry Pi for the first time using PuTTY

If the video helped you, please consider leaving a like or a comment. Also if you have an constructive criticism I’d love to hear it so that I can create better videos in the future.


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