HTML Hobbiest Webring

Hello internet friends! As an advocate for a better and more accessible internet, I also enjoy writing my website in plain ol HTML5 and CSS3!

I compile this website from Markdown using JekyllRB on a Windows 10 Home machine. I use a private GitHub repo for version control, and serve it all from a Linode based in Fremont California! Images are served via Object Storage in Atlanta, Georgia.

I am an HTML Hobbyist


Javascript Cat!

how-to add oneko.js to the minimal-mistakes jekyll template.

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Ditching WordPress

Method of Procedure for migrating from WordPress to plain HTML.

Mom Said Redefine Success

In High School I had one dream that stands out. Own a Porsche by the time I was 26. Looking back, I have no idea where this dream came from; because I was ra...

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